Monday, August 9, 2010

The Car is Dead

I was 2 minutes away from home. It was 12 in the morning, raining, and I was going... too fast... down my favorite hill, made the hairpin turn without braking, fishtailed, and hit a pole pretty fucking hard.

I walked away from that incident without a scratch. Killed the car though.

imagine if i wasn't... would i be dead? would i have not been driving so fast?

i'll elaborate on the whole story if anyone asks. honestly, i'm too sad right now to type it all out here... i'm not even sure anyone reads my posts.

too much on my mind. i had plans. i can't sleep, and when i do i sleep all day. but that's what i did before the crash too...

There's a reason why i'm still alive.
I think a higher power may be trying to tell me something.
I could be dead right now, and not even know that I'm a ghost.

How do ghosts know they're dead anyway? I need to know. I could be haunting people without even knowing it.

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